Whoever said, “You can learn from your mistakes,” was obviously not Enneagram Type 3. The saying that best resonates with Type 3? Failure is not an option! What compels Type 3s to work so hard and what roles attract them? This brief video gives you insights into what makes Type 3 tick.
Excerpt from Teamwork 9.0
As the suppressed emotion type, Enneagram Type 3s have the remarkable gift of being able to generate fresh ideas without feeling constrained by emotional baggage. They can think freely, unencumbered, and will enthusiastically generate ideas with the aim of successfully solving the problem.
In Step 3, the leader must solicit ideas from all team members and stakeholders and, most importantly, not react to those ideas. The aim is to collect as many ideas as possible for later analysis. Type 3s would be ideal leaders for this part of the project since they provide both enthusiasm for successful outcomes and restraint from emotional reactions to any of the ideas.
Does the idea of success motivate you to work hard? Are you sensitive to appearances, especially appearance of success? Are you attracted to roles that have an inherent sense of success? Do you tend to downplay feelings?
[Video Transcript]
So now we’re going to get to the 3. The 3 is also in the feeling group but it’s suppressed feelings. So they come off actually, as the cool cats. They’re not as focused on your feelings and having emotional connections with you. And rather than receiving appreciation, they’re more about receiving acknowledgment for success. They want to be recognized for their success.
You’ve heard of that saying dress for success, this is the type 3. The type 3s they look the part, they play the part. They are looking successful and they are highly motivated to be successful. They’re about efficiency, they’re about working hard, they’re about setting goals and meeting the goals. Boom, boom, boom. This is where the 3’s shine.
And for the 3s, failure is not an option, so that really compels them to work harder than any of the types in the Enneagram as far as I’ve seen. And because they’re so focused on that sense of success, they tend to be drawn to roles in which it’s easy to measure success. If they’re going to be an attorney, they’re going to be a litigator and they can rack up the wins. If they’re a surgeon they’re going to be the top surgeon with 150 brain surgeries or whatever, right, so there’s often a numerical component. They’re so sensitive to how things appear and appear to other people, they often will go into marketing roles or advertising roles.
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