Title: Enneagram and the Millennial Generation
Description: The Millennial Generation is increasingly embracing the Enneagram as evidenced by Hannah Paasch’s book Millenneagram and by numerous YouTube channels such as by comedians Leeann and Michelle. Why are Millennials attracted to the Enneagram? During this discussion group session we will reflect on that questions and explore intersection between the Millennial generation and the Enneagram.
Date: Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Time: 7:30pm to 9pm Pacific Time
Host: Center for Spiritual Life
Registration Fee: Free
Registration: For Zoom link contact Matt Schlegel at matt@evolutionaryteams.com
More information: https://www.centerforspirituallife.com/events/2021/1/19/enneagram-and-the-millennial-generation
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