I am conducting a number of Enneagram and team-effectiveness workshops in October and November. Please join if you can!
Title: Fixing Your Team’s Dysfunctions and Improving Team Effectiveness Using the Enneagram
Description: Sometimes teams go too slow and get stuck. Sometimes teams go too fast and skip steps. Join us for this highly interactive and engaging workshop in which you will explore the Enneagram and applications to assess your team and predict & avoid problems. Learn tools and techniques for significantly improving your team’s effectiveness.
Date: Saturday, October 10, 2020
Time: 9am to 5pm Pacific Time
Host: Project Management Institute San Francisco Bay Area
Non-Member Registration: $110
More information and to register: https://pmisfbac.org/calendar?eventId=6154
Title: Inclusivity in Teams – Increased Emotional Intelligence Through the Enneagram
Description: Working with people who see the world the same way as we do might be easier than interfacing with a collection of diverse human beings with their own peculiarities. But imagine a baseball team where all nine players were excellent pitchers, but no one could hit a home run or catch a fly ball. That team wouldn’t have much of a chance of success, and neither will you and your team. So how can we increase our chances of successfully working with the wide range of human beings we will inevitably encounter in our careers? Increased emotional intelligence.
Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Time: 3pm to 4:30pm Pacific Time
Host: Kimberly Wiefling–Wiefling Consulting, Inc.
Registration: Free
More information and to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/inclusivity-in-teams-increased-emotional-intelligence-via-the-enneagram-tickets-120314191987
Title: Engage Your Team with 9 Individualized Motivation Strategies
Description: One of the biggest challenges for new managers is understanding what motivates their team members. Likely, new managers have a good idea of what motivates themselves, and they may project their own motivation onto others. That strategy may or may not work. Some individuals may have completely different motivations, and a new manager may struggle to understand those differences. The Enneagram is a tool that describes nine distinct personality styles, each with a distinct – and distinctly different – motivation. By knowing the Enneagram style of team members, and by understanding each person’s intrinsic motivation, the aspiring leader can dramatically increase team engagement.
Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Time: 5pm to 6:30pm Pacific Time
Host: Silicon Valley Engineering Leadership Community
Registration: Free
More information and to register: https://www.meetup.com/SV-ELC/events/273088469/
Title: The Enneagram and Decision Making
Description: Any big decisions coming up for you? Do you just know what you are going to do? How do you feel about it? Or, are you still thinking? Teamwork 9.0 author Matt Schlegel leads this workshop in which participants of all Enneagram types explore how each approaches decision making, and how the Intuitive-Feeling-Thinking behaviors of the Enneagram Centers influence each approach. Join us for an interactive evening of sharing and learning decision-making practices from each other.
Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Time: 7:30pm to 9pm Pacific Time
Host: Center for Spiritual Life
Registration: Free
More information and to register: https://www.centerforspirituallife.com/events/2020/10/20/decision-making-and-the-enneagram
Title: Learn the Nine Intrinsic Motivations of Teammates
Description: One of the biggest challenges for project managers is understanding what motivates their team members. Likely, project managers have a good idea of what motivates themselves, and they may project their own motivation onto others. That strategy may or may not work. Some individuals may have completely different motivations, and the manager may struggle to understand those differences. The Enneagram is a tool that describes nine distinct personality styles, each with a distinct – and distinctly different – motivation. By knowing the Enneagram style of team members, and by understanding each person’s intrinsic motivation, a project leader can individually motivate team members to complete assignments.
Date: Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Time: 6:15pm to 8pm Pacific Time
Host: Project Management Institute Silicon Valley
Registration: $5
More information and to register: https://pmisv.org/events/calendar/general-events/pm-insight-sunnyvale/pm-insight-sunnyvale-virtual-meeting-learn-the-nine-intrinsic-motivations-of-teammates
Title: The Enneagram and America
Description: What do you love about living in the United States? What is uncomfortable? How does it compare with your experiences living and traveling abroad? Teamwork 9.0 author Matt Schlegel leads this complimentary workshop in which participants of all Enneagram types share their experiences living in America and relating to American culture. Join us for an interactive evening of sharing and learning from each other.
Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Time: 7:30pm to 9pm Pacific Time
Host: Center for Spiritual Life
Registration: Free
More information and to register: https://www.centerforspirituallife.com/events/2020/11/17/the-enneagram-and-america
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