New Year’s Resolutions check-in time! Our Roaring 2020s discussion continues in 2022 with a focus on leadership, wellness and DEI (Diversity—Equity—Inclusion). Speaking of wellness, I have a personal goal of living happily and healthfully to one hundred. To that end, I do a 3-week cleanse 3-times a year. This year, I took advantage of the Omicron wave to avoid going out (another resolution is to avoid CoVid, if at all possible) while I did a restricted, elimination-diet cleanse. It’s giving me a fantastic feeling to start the new year! How are you doing on your New Year’s Resolutions?
My Roaring 2020s partners:
Kimberly Layne:
Twiana Armstrong:
#Roaring2020s #Leadership #Wellness #DEI #DiversityEquityInclusion
[Twiana Armstrong]
As we forge into 2022, 3 key and critical life impacts command attention – leadership, mental health/wellness and DEI, diversity, equity and inclusion. Leadership – whether leading a team or leading self, in order to realize results, cement accomplishments, or even fulfill personal achievements, a strategic plan is required. Mental health – pandemics on multiple fronts continue to plague our sensibilities. Self-care is a priority, assuring we are taking care of ourselves so that we can take care of those in our ecosystem. Thirdly, DEI – We must sustain our efforts to ensure that every person is seen and heard. Strategic plans must include goals and objectives for saturating belongingness into our lives. Join us every month in 2022 as we explore leadership, mental health and DEI, as we share how we as leaders can and should make positive impacts in each arena. We encourage you to engage in the conversation, share your point of view and perspectives – utilize the platform to educate and to learn. Steven Maraboli tells us “We were placed on this earth to achieve our greatest self, to live out our purpose and to do it courageously!” Leaders, as you define normal in 2022, make space to build clarity around leadership mental health and DEI.
[Matt Schlegel]
Thanks, Twiana And Happy New Year to you both! I am delighted that we’re starting the year on the topic of wellness. I have a overarching goal of living happily and healthfully to a hundred. So wellness is a big part of that. Typically I do a 3 week cleanse three times a year. It’s hard to find 3 weeks in a row when there aren’t fun things going on that make it hard to stay on the cleanse. Well this year I’m taking advantage of the Omicron wave while I am hunkering down to do my cleanse. Now Clearly getting Covid would not make me happy nor healthy nor help me live to a hundred, so I want to avoid it if at all possible. And Because I am not going out, I’m happy to report that I have been able to stick with the cleanse perhaps the best ever. And, I’m loving how I’m feeling now. The first week was a little rough, mostly from coffee withdrawal. Now in the second week, my energy’s back and I have all the energy that I used to have but used to relied on coffee for. It’s great to see my body snap back and respond so well. So that’s how I am starting off my Roaring 2022. How about you, Kimberly.
[Kimberly Layne]
Forty percent of our working population experienced mental illness such as sever depression and anxiety in 2021. Yes, that number is scary but what is the even bigger concern is that this forty percent is double the figure from the previous year.
We are on an increasing trend of mental illness, depression, feelings of isolation, anxiety, in the workplace. I speak often about the isolation epidemic where 50% of Americans feel isolated, (before the pandemic) and with the onset of covid went up as high at 80%.
Working from home, family illness, the increased ambiguity, uncertainty, and lack of social and physical contact in our working environment, has led to these increasing numbers. We as organization, and leaders must ensure we put a lens on the overall wellbeing of our people, not just physically but mentally. We must make a conscious plan and effort to allow for our people to feel safe to express their own challenges in their emotional wellbeing.
In my role as Principal at Performance Leadership Intl. I am passionate about engaging leaders to be more conscious of how they lead, manage, and communicate When I coach and consult with leaders and teams I do so with the intent to create more connection, by defining better ways to engage, motivate, and affirm our employees and teams.. When we do this as leaders, we help the workplace become the new thriving community place where everyone feels heard, valued, supported, and most importantly belong.
Join us as we discuss these important topics of Dei, mental health and emotional wellness in the workplace in our 2022 series.
What are you doing at your organization and as a leader to ensure D@A, wellness, and mental health stereotypes are eliminated and your people feel safe to express who they are, how they feel, and what emotional and wellbeing challenges they may be facing that inhibit them from being and doing their best?
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