Title: The Nine Problem-Solving Strengths of Teammates
Register here: https://www.pmi-la.org/calendar?eventId=9360
Description: Come prepared to turn on your video and engage with participants in this interactive workshop in which we explore the nine problem-solving strengths of ourselves and our teammates. One of the biggest challenges a project manager faces is matching the best teammates for each assignment. The Enneagram is a powerful system that describes nine personality dynamics each with its own set of problem-solving strengths. Understand these dynamics helps managers match assignments with suitable sets of strengths.
Attendees will learn:
- Discover their own primary Enneagram dynamics and strengths
- Use a tool to discover the Enneagram dynamic and strengths of teammates
- Understand which dynamics work well together
- Leave with a framework to match the best problem-solving dynamics for each assignment.
Date: Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Time: 5:30PM to 7:30PM Pacific Time
Host: Project Management Institute – Los Angeles
Registration Fee: $5 members; $10 non-members
Registration: https://www.pmi-la.org/calendar?eventId=9360
Other Upcoming Online Workshops
Title: Enneagram and Climate Change
Description: Humanity is in a bit of a pickle. Carbon dioxide levels are higher now than they have ever been since homo sapiens emerged on the planet some 500,000 years ago. How will people respond to this major change in our environment? The Enneagram may provide some clues. In this session we will check in to see how individuals of each Enneagram type are responding. Also, we will explore the Enneagram-based teamwork principles from the best-selling book Teamwork 9.0 which can give us insights into how humanity might come together to solve our collective climate crisis.
Date: Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Time: 7:30pm to 9pm Pacific Time
Host: Spiritual Life Foundation
Registration Fee: Free
Registration: For Zoom link contact Matt Schlegel at matt@evolutionaryteams.com
For more information contact: matt@evolutionaryteams.com
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